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8 Most remarkable web designing principles that will drive you in the right direction

· Freelance Singapore,Freelance Web Design,Web Design Singapore,Subraa,Web Design

8 Most remarkable web designing principles that will drive you in the right direction

The effectiveness of Website design is decided by its visitors and not the website owners. As a professional freelance web designer Singapore, I have been guiding my clients about the website design ideology that could help to increase the conversion rate and not just the fancy look that helps in converting.

Website Designing in Singapore

Then what is a good design?

A good website design is not having some pretty pictures, it should solve problems, achieves results, and communicate a message effectively.

Okay! But I’m sure my web designer would know all these, so would I need to know?

Yes! He might know all these but the designer is doing it for money, but if you know about web designing you can get the outcome as you would like. In this article you could get an idea of web design and when you are hiring a professional freelance web designer then you could understand the terms he explains.

A good web design should support your business by prompting consumers to read the content or respond to the calls to action.

How can I do that?

Well, if you have watched “Westworld” you would know how predictable humans are. It is possible to understand their psychology and how their mind processes visual information.

However, there are a few principles that exists to guide you how to attract customers through your web design.

1. Minimalistic

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” Leonardo Da Vinci

Even though the phrase was said before 500 years it is still very much true and applicable to many fields not just designing.

Minimalistic is the key to web designing because complexity might mislead but simplicity will never.

Yes! We like everything to be simple.

For example, if you want to know a route you would expect me to direct you in the simplest way possible, because otherwise you might end up somewhere else. Likewise, the customers visiting your website shouldn’t be mislead so make your design simple.

Make them feel comfortable and give them a pleasant feeling. Don’t dump them with too much designs or content. People always prefer buying from places where they feel comfortable.

2. Visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy allows the visitors to identify the most important element on a web page without having to read the content.

Visual hierarchy can be created subconsciously by highlighting texts using a variety of colors, sizes and fonts.

Have you ever came across those memes which correctly predict which line you read first and which follows?

You would have amazed in every step of the meme but it is nothing magical. It's just the psychology of the human brain.

By understanding it, you can decide what your viewers should see first and what should be seen last. This way you can design call to action buttons uniquely and make it more appealing.

3. Colors and imagery

A perfect color combination might attract the customers, whereas a poor combination might lead to distraction. Using more than 3 colours in a website might cause distress to the viewers.

Do you know that each color has its own characteristics and they can trigger certain emotions as well. To study more about the usage of colors you could check my blog.

Think about inserting an animated gif in your website, wouldn't it make your website more fun to use, but using too much movements on a website can be distracting too.

Pictures should communicate, so don’t use them to fill up the space. And make sure you align images orderly, so that it doesn't affect the tone of the website.

4. Typefaces and its sizes

Typefaces are also a main feature of web design. Using sans serif typefaces such as Arial and Verdana are easier to read online.

Both font size and typeface should not exceed 3 of its kind because it can keep your content streamlined and easy to read. People tend to read bigger elements on a page first, so emphasize important contents of your website by making it bigger. Therefore, by using several sizes of fonts you can set a hierarchy in your website.

5. Content & readability
Contents are the information about your company, so it should be engaging enough for the viewers. Don’t dump too much information on the same page. Your content should maintain hierarchy, because there will be very important and least important information on a website, so you should set a hierarchy to feed the important information first. Using tricky keywords, meta-data, and other SEO-sensitive elements can considerably increase your web traffic.

Readability is the most important element of a content, because no matter how appealing your design is, text rules the website as it provides the desired content. Therefore, make sure you use readable and simple fonts in your website.

6. Compatibility

Compatibility has become the key to web designing because the growth of technology has led to the invention of several digital electronic devices like smartphones, PC, Laptop, Tablets even smart watches.

As a website designer you need to focus on making your website compatible on all the electronic devices according to its screen sizes. Each mobile phones are in different sizes hence it is impossible to create for all sizes, although it is necessary to make it compatible to the largely used mobile phones.

7. Navigation

Navigation is providing an ease for the users to navigate across your website. Setting a hierarchy depending on your strategy , a well designed menu bar, easy clickable CTA(Call To Action) buttons and several other buttons can improve the navigation of your website. Make your viewers to get all their required information within their first 3 clicks because that is the average number of clicks registered in a website.

Easy navigation can prompt a user to buy your product, because they provide comfort and people tend to buy where they feel comfortable.

8. Spacing and grid system

There is no rule like you can only create attention only by making texts bigger, providing an ample amount of space can also do the job.

The use of white space and clean design is the key to eliminating clutter so visitors can quickly locate the information they’re looking for or understand the action they need to take. Giving enough space will increase the readability of the content.

Placing the contents in a disarranged manner can cause irritation and create a bad experience for the users. Grid system has been working since the invention of print medium. A perfect grid leads the way for the reader, it wouldn’t let the viewers to think which is the following content.


Following these principles will help you to create an appealing website. A good design should be aesthetically pleasing and financially rewarding. “Even a pretty design might not be useful” keep that in mind while designing your website. We are really lucky to live in this generation because now science can determine the human psychology, all we need to do is gather the information that it has produced and implement it practically. Sometimes, you have to go with the old trial and error method to find out which design, colors, fonts appeal most to the audience. These principles are like checkpoints, so you can’t skip any. For more information visit my blog Features of property website design in Singapore.